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Writer's pictureKimberly

New Stuff - Spring Has Sprung!

Okay, I know - Spring is nearly over. But until late June, it is still technically Spring and I'm excited to announce the new stuff I have in the shop, new stuff on the site, and new stuff coming up in the next month. I've got two new products to talk about, as well as the new forum feature, AND I also want to share about some new videos I'll be doing to help you bring music, story, imagination, and connection to the kiddos you teach, whether it is in your homeschool, homeschool co-operative, or brick-and-mortar school.

First off, check out what came via snail mail today! My proof copy of the Sprouts: Music for Preschool at Home and School. This is the compilation of all twelve preschool circle times - the culmination of almost five years of teaching these circle times to classes full of wiggly preschoolers, refining them, improving them, and sharing them with you month by month last year. I am so excited to offer it in digital and print! If you purchased the Annual Circle Patron package last year, be sure to check your email for a special offer. If you haven't purchased yet, I'm having a little sale NEXT WEEK! You get twelve months of lessons that include songs, rhymes, game songs, ideas for extending learning beyond the circle - even a list of picture books our family (and my students) have loved time and time again. You also get mp3s of every song. Buy digital or digital and print - print copies start shipping by June 5 (as soon as I can proof this proof copy)!

I'm waiting on my proof copy of Puentes al Español: Bridges to Spanish. This little book is the compilation of the Spanish circle times I've been working on this past year - creating, using my children as guinea pigs, refining, then editing, adding, rearranging, and putting it all together in this one little book. If you've been looking for a simple, short way to start introducing your kiddos to Spanish - without flashcards, media, or having to purchase expensive picture books - check it out.

What else is new? Well, I mentioned that I am trying to simplify my life (who isn't?), and a big part of that is reducing the time I spend on social media. I love social media - it's provided me with information, training, mentorship, friendship and more - but it can also become a real time suck. So, I'm stepping away to some degree. I've archived all my Instagram accounts except for @HearthandGnome and I'll be doing the same with my Facebook pages. I will also be phasing out the closed Facebook group Hearth & Gnome Community and inviting everyone to join me here in the new forum feature. I would love for this to become a place for people to post questions, ideas, and all things related . To join, just click Forum in the menu bar and follow the prompts.

Finally, I'm going to be doing a series of Facebook Live video events through June. At the end of each, I'll take questions from viewers. The videos will be on the Hearth & Gnome Facebook page,  open to the public, at 3 p.m. each time. Here's the schedule:

June 6 - Sprouts and Puentes al Español. More about what's included, and how to use them at home and school. Plus, I'll include a preview of some of the songs as well.

June 13 - What Is Unique About a Waldorf Music Method? Have you ever wondered what the big deal is about teaching music the Waldorf way? I'll be talking about this in detail during this video. I'll be talking about Music Unfolds, the Waldorf-true curriculum I co-authored with Melisa Nielsen of Waldorf Essentials, as well as the Waldorf-inspired products I offer so that you can make informed choices.

June 20 - Choosing and Introducing Instruments. I get asked all the time about choosing flutes/recorders. I also get asked about introducing piano, violin, drums, guitar, ukulele - you name it, I get asked! I'll be talking about ALL of that and demonstrating some of the flute/recorder options as well.

June 28 - Teaching Music Step-by-Step. This is the second most frequent question I get - what are the steps for teaching music? Tune in and I'll tell you.

So, yes, I've been busy. Quieter on social media, but very busy. My kids are winding up another year of school - and we have a few weeks left to go. We are also looking forward to our trek to Washington State in August. Do you live on or near the Kitsap Peninsula? Let me know! I'd love to connect in person. As always, please do send me a message if you have questions. I think I've gotten everything straightened out with my host/email and I should be receiving everything now. Best wishes for a wonderful last few weeks of Spring and I hope to share part of this Summer with you as well.

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